Samsung flip phones A beginner's guide

Samsung flip phones A beginner's guide

Written by: Buyur Ltd


A beginner's guide to Samsung flip phones

As smartphones become more popular, many people forget about the simple & useful flip phones.

Samsung, which is a top brand in mobile phones, has several flip phone models for those who want something basic and easy to use.

In this beginner's guide, we going to see what is good about using a Samsung flip phone & also give some advice on how you can use your device better.

Introduction to Samsung flip phones

Samsung flip phones very good choice for people who like simple & easy phone just for calls and texts.

These phones usually have small and nice design, with little screen outside to quickly see messages or calls.

The flip mechanism keeps the screen and keypad safe when you are not using them, so it stays strong & lasts longer.

Samsung has many flip phones offering various features & functions. Some models include a built-in camera, while others provide internet access for simple web browsing & emailing.

The battery life of Samsung flip phones is very good, staying powered for several days with just one charge.

Getting started with your Samsung flip phone

When you get Samsung flip phone for first time, you need to set up & activate it with your mobile provider.

The setup is not hard. You put in the SIM card from your carrier and then turn on the device. After that, just follow what shows on screen to complete everything.

After you activate your Samsung flip phone, you have the option to adjust settings according to what you prefer.

You can do things like set a lock screen password for security, change how bright the display is, & pick out a ringtone that suits your taste. You can also put contacts into your phonebook & make the home screen look how you like using widgets and shortcuts.

Making calls and sending texts

One of the main things to do with a flip phone is making calls & sending messages.

To make call on Samsung flip phone, you just open it and use keypad to dial number.

You can also use phonebook to easily call contact by choosing their name from list.

Sending text messages on Samsung flip phone easy to do. First, open messaging app, then choose option for new message.

Next step is type your message with keypad buttons. You can then send text to contact by typing their phone number or choosing them from the phonebook.

Using the camera

Some Samsung flip phones have a camera included, so you can take photos & videos while moving around.

To use the camera on your phone, just open the flip & find the camera app in the menu. You can then point the camera toward your subject & press the shutter button to capture a photo.

When you take a photo on your Samsung flip phone, you can look at it & make changes right away.

You also have the option to send this photo to someone through text message or email.

The camera quality on Samsung flip phones might not match the high level of a smartphone, but having it is still very handy.

Connecting to the internet

Some Samsung flip phones have internet connection, so you can surf the web and read emails.

To use the internet on your phone, you need to arrange a data plan with your mobile service provider first.

When plan activate, can use internet with browser app on Samsung flip phone.

Using the internet on a flip phone might be more restricted compared to using it on a smartphone because of smaller screen sise & less processing power. Even so, you can still look at your social media profiles, read news stories, & send emails with your Samsung flip phone.

Managing your contacts and calendar

Using Samsung flip phone to manage your contacts & appointments is very simple. You can add new people to your contact list by typing in their name & phone number.

Also, you can give them a special ringtone or photo so that they are easy to recognise when calling. You can also make groups of contacts for easy & fast access to a certain group of people.

The calendar application on Samsung flip phones lets you make plans for appointments and set alerts for key happenings.

You can look at your calendar by day, week, or month and adjust the settings to match how you like it. The calendar app also connects with your contacts, so it becomes simple to invite people for events & meetings.

Customising your Samsung flip phone

One good thing about having a Samsung flip phone is that you can make it look how you like.

You can pick different pictures for the background & change the theme of your phone. Also, you can move around the app icons on the home screen to put them where you want.

You can also download & install new ringtones & wallpapers from the internet.

Samsung flip phones also have many accessibility features, like text-to-speech and big font sises, to help people who can't see or hear well.

You can change these settings in the device's accessibility menu so that it's simpler for you to use.

Tips for using your Samsung flip phone

To use your Samsung flip phone in the best way, here are some tips to remember:

  • Learn all features: Take time to explore & know what functions it has.
  • Update software: Make sure you update regularly for new improvements and security fixes.
  • Protect screen: Use a good case or cover to prevent damage when closed or opened.
  • Manage battery life: Turn off things like Bluetooth when not needed; lower the brightness of your screen too.
  • Customise settings: Set up ringtones, wallpapers, and apps that suit your style better.
  • Following these easy steps can help you enjoy using your Samsung flip phone more.
  • Keep your device with power: You should charge your Samsung flip phone often so it is always ready to use.
  • Use screen protector: For protect your device screen, think about using a screen protector. This helps stop scratches & damage.
  • Save your data: It good idea to often save copy of contacts, photos, and other important things on Samsung flip phone. This way you not lose them if phone stops working properly.
  • Look at the settings: Spend some time to check out the settings menu on your Samsung flip phone. You might find more features and ways to make it suit your needs better.
  • Keep software updated: Samsung sends out updates for its devices to enhance performance & security. Ensure you install these updates when they are prompted.

Troubleshooting common issues

If you find problems with your Samsung flip phone, there are some troubleshooting steps that can help:

  • Turn off & on your device: Occasionally, just turning it off and then back on can solve small software problems with your Samsung flip phone.
  • Check updates: Verify if device has latest software by looking for updates in settings menu.
  • Reset device: If everything other not working, you can do factory reset on Samsung flip phone to bring it back like new.
  • Contact customer support: If you are still having problems with your device, you can get help by reaching out to Samsung customer support.


In summary, having a Samsung flip phone is good choice for people who want an easy-to-use device to call and send texts.

These phones have many features like built-in camera, internet access, & calendar app that make them useful. By following the advice and tips in this beginner's guide, you can use your Samsung flip phone better and have an easy time.